Call for Papers


Call for Workshops and Tutorials


AIED 2024 workshops and tutorials are designed to provide an opportunity for the in-depth discussion of current and emerging topics of interest to the AIED community. We invite workshop and tutorial proposals that bring together people working on emerging and developing research topics. Those proposing a workshop or tutorial should provide information on why the proposal is of interest to the AIED community, and why a workshop or tutorial on this topic is beneficial. Innovative and interactive formats are encouraged and will be given priority in the selection process. Workshops and tutorials that take into account the theme of AIED 2024 (“AI in Education for a World in Transition”) are especially welcome. Specifically, topics related to bridging the gap between academia, business, and non-profit; topics focusing on crossing traditional educational boundaries or adjusting to rapid change; and topics discussing inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA) in AIED research and practice will be considered favorably.

Important Dates 

Submission due: February 16, 2024

Notification of acceptance to authors: March 13, 2024

Workshop websites and calls published on the conference website: March 21, 2024

Workshop and tutorial days: 8 July or 12 July 2024

Note: the submission deadlines are at 11:59 pm AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time. Please adhere to these deadlines as there will NOT be any extensions to the above dates for LBRs track submissions.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The AIED Society values diversity, equity, and inclusion (and related principles under this broad umbrella) as essential and fundamental values for the AIED community to uphold. Thus, in AIED 2024, we incentivize authors to carefully consider diversity, equity, and inclusion when reporting on your work. 

When preparing your paper, please consider the following: 

Please consider the following criteria when reporting samples: 

Submission Instructions

Workshop and tutorial proposals should be between 6 and 8 pages (including references), and should include the following components: 

Please follow Springer’s author guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, to prepare your proposal.

Submissions will be handled via EasyChair:


Workshop and tutorial chairs will be invited to provide a 6-8 page summary (including references) of their workshop and tutorial. Accepted workshops will be published in the second volume of the AIED 2024 proceedings included in Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). 

Additional Remarks

The AIED2024 organizing committee will support workshop and tutorial dissemination by including linking the websites of accepted workshops and tutorials on the AIED2024 conference website. Organizers of accepted workshops and tutorials are expected to launch their websites (not later than April 29, 2024), identify potential participants, and handle calls for workshop contributions as well as the publication of workshop contributions and outcomes. The AIED 2024 organizing committee reserves the right to cancel a workshop/tutorial that does not attract enough participants. 

Workshops may run hybrids at the discretion of their organizers. 

When publishing workshop contributions, organizers are encouraged to target well-established workshop proceedings repositories (such as and/or high-quality publication outlets (international impact-rated journals, including special issues within them).

Track Chairs

If you have any further questions, please, contact the LBR Chairs: