Diversity and Inclusion


Diversity and Inclusion

AIED2024 follows the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (IAIED) conference diversity, equity and inclusion guidelines

IAIED is fully committed to diversity, inclusion, equity, belonging, and justice as guiding principles of our scholarship and practice. Upholding these fundamental values strengthens who we are as an academic and professional society, and is essential to our positive impact on researchers, educators, learners, and the world. Importantly, as these goals and the work to achieve them require dynamic growth and change, we are committed to ongoing learning and improvement in how the society enacts inclusive and equitable policies. We warmly welcome all who share this mission.

AIED2024 Code of Conduct

The AIED conference welcomes everyone irrespective of their individual characteristics and circumstances. The conference provides an inclusive environment in which diverse participants present their work, share ideas, debate, network and enjoy the company of colleagues. Everyone should feel respected and should have no barriers to attend and participate.

AIED aims to be a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all participants regardless of their level of experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other similar characteristics.

To ensure that everyone feels safe and protected at all times, this Code of Conduct outlines ground rules that we expect everyone (e.g., presenters, participants, and volunteers) to adhere to:

AIED does not tolerate any inappropriate behavior, including harassment, bullying or discrimination.

Any cases of inappropriate behavior should be brought to the attention of the General Chairs and reported to the IAIED society: society.aied@gmail.com.